Tuesday 22 May 2012



The world of retail is a massive area, in 1955, Ray Kroc too over a small chain of food franchises to build in today’s well-known fast food franchise in the world. For example: McDonald’s. McDonald has the most franchise units worldwide in any franchise system. Today, franchise as a business model worked successful for their entrepreneurs.LOFT as a clothing retailer, which people want and a latent demand exists in outside the US. To land the brand LOFT in the UK market, we suggest that franchise could be a good choice. The franchiser would make a closer communication and relationship between the brand company and the consumer. Further more, there are some main benefits below.

The corporate image is the key role in the company, when the corporate image and brand awareness are already established, In conventional, people would customary to choose the one they are always felt more comfortable to take some of items from a familiar name or company they trust in their mind. From the other point of view, the franchise could be a part of strategies to support the company. The company could do the retail sale marketing strategy depending on local sales of state. They could control the distribution on the different situation.

Saving in time could be one the benifit of the franchise. The brand LOFT is a clothing brand who just existing in the US. Thus, the target audience must be focus on the country only. According to the marketing survey, the majority of people interested in the high street brand, and they often are purchasing lots of stuff from high street. Some of them knew the brand Ann Inc. but most of them have give up to buy it because of it is far away from them. The others would buy items by online, however, the time for the shipping would have to take for a while, and they could impatient. The other draw back is about the cost. People brought some stuff through American website must be pay the tax fee and have to care about the exchange rate. Which means the product in American always as same price, but people who have not in the US have to pay different price in every day. Therefore, as far as we are concerned that the Franchise is the better way to land the brand LOFT into the UK market.

Yeah thats a good idea ! can you put it on here as soon as your done please thak you

lauren xx

Meet tomorrow outside library at 10.00 xxxxx
i m doing it.
still considering about how franchise work for LOFT and the influence.

should i introduce what the franchise is?

Well done thats really good Shao ! How are you doing with the marketing strategy- franchise?

Do you need help?

Lauren xxxxxxx

Brand identity updated

Brand identity
Ann Inc. ‘s heritage

Ann Inc. is a parent company as American group of specialty apparel retail chain stores for women in the York City, and the company is one the largest fashion retailer in the US. The brand offers different types of garment for in needs of women in four divisions: Ann Taylor, LOFT, Ann Taylor Factory and LOFT Outlet.

Ann Taylor and Ann Taylor LOFT are the two brands in one theory: “We get women” even though they have had thousands of associates. They look for people who unconsciously understand what is a woman valuing, believing, supporting, representing, and loving and property. How woman can show the valuable themselves through best selves forwards and believe they could be in everywhere and every day.

For the company, a perfect “fit” goes beyond garments and accessories. The feeling of a person is the sticking point in whatever inside or outside.  They have full of confidence and be ready for collaborate and adherence a simply tenet: people first, people always.

Ann Taylor

Ann Taylor was found by Richard Liebeskind in 1954, store 001, as a chain of clothing stores target affluent career women.

The first “Ann Taylor” store was opened followed by two years in Connecticut. The name was come from a best-selling dress in the primary store. The meaning of the name is for good lucks by Liebeskind for his son. The world “Ann” was a New England name; “Taylor” conjured the imagination of the tailored clothing. When words associated, the implication could be apparel for the ideal identity for women.

Beautiful, stylish and smart are the key roles of the team Ann Taylor, they have not renew the products following by trend aware because of they believe that timeless is always relevant. They create valuable garment and accessories to make people feel chic and confident as well as heritage including special collections. Such as celebrations and beauty.


LOFT was established in 1996 by expanded of the brand Ann Taylor. Offering the casual fashion for women with a wide range of age pricing in the “upper moderate” category.

Initially, the brand was the part of the brand Taylor was for provided casual replica named Ann Taylor LOFT. However, according the developing of the brand, they achievements of their own brand image with their unique style of products. What is more, they attact more younger crowd and new groups of age during their causual and urban style.

Overal, the stylist of the brand LOFT is always trusted personality of people who enjoys the casually life and inpire them not only to be glamous but fridenly.

Communication strategy

We would use social media as our main communication source, having our in store twitter wall being used throughout working retail hours. We would also have a LOFT UK Facebook page updating our clients on new collection/promotions and offers,  but we would have  a separate one for our Uni girl’s. Our Uni Girls also have individual Blogs outlining their lifestyle and  also their ‘Picks’ from the new collection. Our Uni Girl’s would also get club nights out hosted by them and if you are a loyal costumer you can get invited to these exclusive events.. At these events, we could have one  female celebrity to promote the brand, such as T:V or reality stars. This would not only boost brand awareness but add a sense of occasion and exclusivity to the night. Also having magazine adverts , such as LOOK and Grazia who are women’s magazine’s  based around fashion.

Jodie xxxx
Hey Girls,
Have you checked out the new Loft Summer Line? Personally I love the navy Blue shirt, could dress it up for a saturday night date , or wear it casually to a morning lecture . Been a busy day for me today, organising the sport society ball at Uni, but looking forward to next months Loft Girls Meeting to catch up with everyone and share our thoughts on the new collection.

How are you all doing? Enjoying the summer weather? I most definitely am. LOVE it.

Here's some pictures of me and my gorgeous girlfriends from yesterday, kitted out in our new Loft Looks

Rationale and marketing details
The UK market is based around the concept of fast fashion at affordable prices; LOFT delivers a stylish yet affordable range of clothing, suitable for a wide spectrum of ages. Here in the UK the highest style of clothing is casual wear ; something which LOFT is known for in the US. We’ve  choosen to focus on LOFT as we feel the clothing would be more appreciated over the more classic look of ANN TAYLOR. We have focused on LOFT’s main competitors in the UK and asked what their target consumers expected and wanted from a potentially new store. As the younger generation are the ones spending more money than any other age group, we thought introducing one of Ann Inc’s brands with a ‘younger’ feel would be most appropriate. In the UK, American stores such as Hollister and Gilly Hicks are very successful , we wish to emulate the hype and kudos of the brand and appeal LOFT in the same way to our target market.
Yet when we did our primary research, we discovered that a value out market most believe in is friendship. Much like the way Hollister create a hype around their attractive members of staff, we hope to create the LOFT brand around the concept of friendships. As a brand LOFT wants to gain the ‘trust and friendship’ of the consumer, therefore this concept would fit in well with the brand ethos. We hope to have interactive touch points in-store such as a; twitter wall where our consumer can write messages to their friends and also about their latest LOFT purchase, we can also have a photo booth in store where they can have pictures with their friends and instantly upload them to Facebook or twitter. These visual merchandising tools are all to help create brand awareness and also to create a sense of community with our consumers; them being able to share their thoughts and feelings is something we would encourage as part of building a ‘friendship’.
Seeing as our target consumers all have Twitter and Facebook, they were very adapt to social media and also the internet. So we thought we’d harness this concept and create an idea called; ‘Uni Girls’. Not too dissimilar a concept to the US idea of LOFT girls. Uni girls, are young attractive girls who are at the older age range of our target spectrum who are brand advocators. They all have individual blogs for which they promote LOFT, with details of new store opening s and the new collections. Yet they also blog about their lifestyle making it seem glamorous and exciting; whether it be having drinks with their girlfriends or a weekend abroad. To be one of LOFT’s Uni Girls is a big deal. They will be on the ‘Uni Girl’s Facebook page’ and customer can communicate with them; this makes the consumer feel like there is a personal touch to the business  and that the Uni Girls are their friends. There will be handful of girls per Uni promoting the brand, even hosting night club events for special/loyal customers.

Jodie xxxx

Monday 21 May 2012

Ann Taylor Pen Profile

This is my Cousin's friend who is a blogger, but works part time in Pr...what do you think?

Rosie Baker
25 years old
Works In PR
Lives in South Kensington, London
Has a boyfriend of 3 years
Interests: Cooking, shopping, socialising
Past Time: Lunch with girlfriends, dog walking or art galleries

Rosie is our target consumer for Ann Taylor. Young professional, mid-way through her career. She is successful within her job. Her long-term boyfriend, works in the city and takes her on romantic holidays and expensive meals. She shops in brands such as; Zara, GAP, LK BENNET, Topshop, Hunter, Prada. She lives in her own flat with her dog. Very well cultured travelling around the world such as; Venice and Paris. She is very concious of her diet and figure. Having a very healthy diet. Although a metroplitian socialite, she is very close to her family, who have a country estate. She enjoys weekends home spent walking her family pets. She doesn’t own a car, choosing to cycle or to take a London cab.

She interacts with many big brands. Owning an iphone (and also uses the instagram app) and owns a Macbook pro. She gets a low fat coffee at Starbucks, and buys her bathing and beauty products from Cowshed. She likes to look like a lady, very rarely wearing anything low cut; has to always be tasteful. Hence why she chooses to shop at a shop like Zara, who have professional work clothes that she can dress up for after work drinks. She looks for quality but is not afraid of high street prices, so long as they are tasteful and high quality. She wants to be taken seriously but not too old.   When she dines out she only goes to expensive restaurants. But she cooks a lot for herself. She is also very fashion concious, knowing all the latest trends; idolising someone like Kate Middleton’s style.

Jodie xxxx

Yes shao, shall we meet at 12.00 outside the library, bring all the work you have done. Lets just sped the afternoon putting it altogether.

Have you written about the brands as well shao ?

 we have competitors still to do ? market entry recommendation, short rationale and communication stragedy but if we meet tomorrow I'm sure we can get them done, see you then xxxxx
here is the consumer profile for loft !

Lauren xxxx

I wrote about the fashion market, put it on here !

Lauren xxxxx

Is it locked?
Perhaps.. I ll bring the usb with it for you could be better.
When should we meet on tmr? after the lecture?

Thanks got your email Shao. But the layers on photoshop are locked? i can't edit them ?

Yeah jodie looks great, do one for ann taylor too, but do we need to write about why thats their audience? and why we are going to continue that or is that bit in the marketing stragedy?

lauren xxxx

Sunday 20 May 2012

hi lauren

I have sent you the perceptual map and aakers model  in PSD already.
yes, I am writing about the brand values.

See u guys on Tuesday.

LOFT pen profile

Need to know whether this is right or not.. I interviewed my friend via Facebook, who is our target consumer (or what I thought was a good example of our target consumer). Here is what i have done so far. Didn't want to do an Ann Taylor one if this was wrong. Also I will be elaborating on this one....Just wasn't sure if it was what we were after. Thank you

Jodie xxxx

Tuesday is perfect! We will get it done then for weds and we can go and bind it and split the costs?

Christine Tucker.
17 years old.
Dance Student in London.
Lives in Surrey.
A levels: Theatre Studies, Performing Arts, History and English Lang at
Has a Long term Boyfriend.
Interests: Shopping, dancing (ballet), singing, acting, musicals
Past time: Going to the west end

Christine is our target consumer, for the launch of LOFT in the UK. Her shopping patterns are all about loyalty and the kudos of the brand; such as Jack Wills, Hollister and Abercrombie and Fitch. She buys them based on practical reasons, as she is a dancer and needs jumpers and t-shirts as part of her training; also requiring a high level of quality to with stand her dancing. Yet she has a limited wardrobe with everything having to have a distinctive logo and a casual/preppy look.

She interacts with many big brands. She has an I-phone and an I-pod. She watches many American shows such as Glee and Desperate Housewives. Her favourite thing though is seeing musicals in the west end. She is very family orientated and her favourite meal is a roast with her family. She also regually attends church on a Sunday. Although her favourite restaurant is Wagamama, as she said that it is healthy and nutritious which is what she needs as a dancer to stay in shape. She loves Starbucks and is a regular hangout for her and her friends from dance. 

Okay also can we meet on tuesday ? Shao how is analysing the brands going? Could you send me the aakrs model in a psd? so i can edit it on photoshop to fit in with the layout? if not could you bring it on tuesday on a usb ?

Im writing about the uk fashion landscape, jodie the consumers, and shao your analysing the brands ?


We still need to do competitors, and then the marketing and promotions ?

then recommendations?

xxxxxxxxxx lauren
Hey girls this is the info and the design put together for research book :


If you want to change or add anything let me know, I'm going to do the contents tonight 

Lauren xxxxxx