Thursday 10 May 2012

Hey girls just to recap on today's meeting;

We have now decided to focus on Loft as the company we are bringing over to the uk as we feel that there is a open market for classic american prep which is affordable. We want the big idea/concept to be the special bond and friendship between girls especially focusing on the student/university market. Creating a close female community which focuses on friendships and sharing clothes etc.

For promotional tools we came across the idea of bloggers, and decided that we would ask  University students from certain universities to represent Loft, blogging about the brand, their latest purchases, who their girlfriends are, and what they do daily etc. Even sponsoring freshers weeks, and offering student discount within stores. Inspiration from brands such as Jack wills - Jack Wills Seasonnaires.

We also thoughts about having a interactive wall within our store, where customers could write about their girlfriends, and what they enjoy most about friendship or university life.

We thought that a good location for our flagship store would be Carnaby Street as it is up and coming and a hidden treasure within london. We also decided on placing stores in university towns.

Yet first of all we need to concentrate on RESEARCH! I think we decided that we should meet on saturday to carry out some primary research, standing outside stores similar to jack wills, Zara, and present customers with images of Loft from the brand and ask their opinions, who do thy think the brand is similar too, how would they describe the brand , look or products.
Then create visual diagrams with post it notes within a group meeting to channel our findings.

We also then was going to ask why they pay more for a certain brand etc like jack wills? is it the quality? the customer service etc

So shall we say meet on saturday at 1.30 outside the library ?

Shall we also meet on monday at 12pm in waverley to refine and visualise the research and also bring the first set pieces of work, for example Shao the analysing of brands, jodie the uk fashion market and me front cover, introduction and methodology

Shall we also meet on Thursday ?

Lauren x

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